Motivation is what gets you started.
Habit is what keeps you going.
Affirmation: I create positive habits in my life.
A habit is a pattern of behavior that is an automatic response or action. This happens after doing a particular routine for a length of time until it becomes natural. I have had many habits in my lifetime. Today, I choose to create constructive and positive habits.
By focusing on healthy and productive routines each day, I begin to create positive habits. Nourishing my body with healthy foods every morning is a healthy habit I maintain every day. Setting aside time each day for self-reflection, meditation or prayer has also become a positive habit in my life.
My character is made stronger by positive habits. These habits have become a part of me. I am a stronger and healthier person because of my healthy routines. I continue to create healthy behaviors and habits leading to my positive transformation and growth. I become healthier as I practice my healthy routines.
Today, I honor my existing positive habits and choose to continue them because they are an important part of who I am.
I will create more positive behaviors and continue to do so until they also are a part of who I am. In doing this, my patterns of behavior continue to be constructive and healthy.
Homework/ Self-Reflective Questions/ Journal Prompts:
1. What are my healthiest habits?
2. How have I created new positive habits?
3. How can I turn one of my unhealthy habits into a positive one?
Have an awesome week!
Photo Credit: roland via Compfight cc
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