Why don’t we give our best?
Here’s the news flash, my friend. No one really wants your leftovers. They want you!
Change Yourself, then change the World
We are each so talented and gifted in so many areas, but instead we lose our way and our focus when we try to be all things to all people. Why do we cheat ourselves and those around us? What would our world look like if people just did the right thing to the absolute best of their ability, always? And what if we concentrated on what we do best? No one to chase you around, no one to hunt you down and write you up, just do the right thing.
And a Child Shall Lead them..
I was reminded of this during a recent vacation. I have a fairly “new” granddaughter who is just over a year. Actually, I have several granddaughters, but the others live much further away.
Leading with your Heart
What’s my point?
Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcgraths/3277839203/sizes/m/in/photostream/
[…] The people we care about the most deserve the best, not the leftovers from our time in the world. Read: Who Deserves our Best? […]