Failures make character,
not success.
Abhijit Naskar
It does not matter if it is a bad job, a broken New Years’ resolution, or a diet that has gone off the rails. There will be times we will consider quitting. That is not to say that quitting is always a bad choice. Sadly, we have all been taught to believe that quitting is equivalent, or on the same level as a complete failure. But, as we get older and hopefully wiser, we can clearly see that there are a few activities or relationships that are simply not worth continuing. It is important to arrive at your decision to quit or continue actively and consciously, rather than making a reflexive decision.
Avoid quitting too soon:
1. Hit the pause or reset button.
- Most of our less-than-stellar decisions can probably be avoided by taking a short pause.
- When we are stressed, overworked, overtired, and fed-up, imprudent thinking, and therefore decisions can become our norm.
- Grant yourself the time you need to make a wise decision.
- Allow your head to clear before you make a big decision in the heat of the moment that can change your life forever.
- Most decisions can wait.
2. Step back from the situation.
- View the situation soberly.
- Try to be objective and weigh the situation carefully.
- Enroll the assistance of a friend if necessary.
- It can be easier to evaluate someone else’s situation more accurately than our own.
3. What is the worst that can happen?
- Think long-term.
- Quitting is an easy choice when you only think about the short-term ramifications.
- You can relieve your immediate stress and stressors almost instantaneously!
- But, what about the long-term consequences?
- If you quit your job, granted, you will not have to interact with your current boss. But, what will happen if you cannot find another job quickly?
- Reconsider quitting if the long-term consequences are too severe.
- A little relief now is not worth long-term pain.
- Who will be impacted by your quitting?
- Your boss?
- Your coworkers?
- Your family?
- The members of your church bowling team?
- You?
- Who will truly be affected by what you want to do?
- What message are you sending to your children?
- What would you tell them to do in a similar circumstance?
- Your children and colleagues are always watching.
- Be sure to set the best example you can.
4. Consider taking a new tact.
- Maybe you should quit.
- Perhaps what you need is a new plan.
- Not being able to get the results we desire is not necessarily a sign that we should call it quits.
- Poor results point out an ineffective process.
- Consider tweaking your approach.
- Major accomplishments are accompanied by numerous failed attempts.
5. Why are you really thinking about quitting?
- Is it because you don’t believe you can be successful in your current role?
- Do you lack the resources you need to do a better job?
- Are you enjoying some aspects of the job, activity, or relationship?
- Are you lacking the necessary time?
- Some reasons for quitting are definitely better than others.
- Quitting a second job you do not need so that you can spend more time with your family is a good reason to quit.
- Ending your marriage because your significant will not put their dirty clothes in the appointed hamper may be a bit extreme.
- Is there an alternative solution to quitting?
6. Consider the times you have quit before.
- How do you feel about those events today?
- Was quitting the best solution, or do you regret it now?
- How do you think you will feel in the future about quitting in your current situation?
7. Sometimes we just have to carry on.
- There are times when quitting is the best choice.
- But, when it is not the absolutely best choice we can make not the best choice, it becomes necessary to be strong and keep moving forward.
- Stick with that horrible job until you have something different lined up.
- If our default coping mechanism is quitting, we will never accomplish much in life.
Take a moment before making a hasty decision. Take a time-out. Go outside and breathe for a few minutes.
Quitting is not a decision to be taken lightly.
Before making the decision to quit, consider all of the consequences and all of the fall-out.
Speak with a trusted friend, and consider your history.
In some instances, quitting is final.
Avoid creating long-term difficulties to alleviate short-term stress.
Give yourself the necessary time required to make the wisest decision possible.
Disappointment is a natural part of the schedule
if you plan on winning
Johnnie Dent, Jr.
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash