Trust is like a vase..
once it’s broken,
though you can fix it the vase will never be same again.
Whether you have started a new profession like teaching, have become a parent for the first time, or been promoted within your company, earning the trust of others is a crucial part of life. If you are at the beginning of something new in your life, you are also at a stage where you have to build the trust of others in order for you to be effective.
Strategies for building trust:
1. Listen
Become a good listener. Being able to listen to the thoughts and concerns of other people is a sure way to gain their trust.
When people feel like you are genuinely listening to their outpouring, they develop a closeness to you and become more comfortable in your presence. That comfort level translates into trust, and you will find that your opinion is highly regarded going forward.
2. Positive, but honest feedback
Give positive feedback and reinforcement. People naturally trust other people who give them positive feedback about their actions. If you want your family, friends and colleagues at work to trust you, it is very important to let them hear positive feedback from you. You can also motivate others by providing positive reinforcement.
Be sure that your positive feedback is sincere. If it is not sincere, it won’t take them long to pick up on it, and all of your efforts to inspire trust will have been in vain. Find something good to say that you actually believe to be true.
3. Express yourself
Be honest in your expressions. Honesty goes a long way in helping you earn the trust and respect of others. Although people may not always be in favor with what you have to say, they will likely still respect the fact that you are being honest and straightforward. They will also feel comfortable being honest with you in return.
4. Empathize
Show genuine concern for other people’s well-being. When you show someone that you are genuinely interested and concerned about their well-being, they will naturally feel closer to you and will want to seek you out for help or advice. And, they will probably trust the advice that you have to offer them because they feel that you have their best interests at heart.
5. Be kind
Live in kindness. When you are kind, you will almost always be able to gain the trust of others. There is a fairly common notion that someone who displays kindness deserves to be trusted because they can naturally give from their heart. It should be noted, however, that kindness that is ingenuous will be viewed negatively, and will ultimately result in others being very wary of you.
6. Stick to your morals and principles
As someone who upholds morals and principles, you are probably trusted by many of the people around you, even if you don’t realize it. When you live according to a set principles, others look at you with a high regard.
For you, earning trust is probably as simple as being yourself. While there may be some elements which you may want to work on to be more trustworthy, you likely have some natural tendencies that make you likable and trust-able. Seek out and use the behaviors and attitudes your conscience dictates and you will easily earn the trust of others.
Photo Credit: Leonard John Matthews via Compfight cc
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