Stress is an unfortunate byproduct of our busy and hectic lives. Too much to do, too many places to be, too many promises to keep before I sleep. But, every time we feel stressed by someone or some thing we always have choices before us. Often in the heat of the moment, we cannot see the choices clearly. We feel like the oxygen is being sucked out of the room, there is too much noise, and there is no hope for us, because we are stuck. Except, we aren’t…
First, always look for and learn the lesson involved in a situation. Always!
If it is a person using up all your air and time, and you don’t feel good about being with or around that person, stop. Profound thinking, I know! Stop spending time with them. Go do something YOU enjoy. Yes, this is tough at first, but it gets easier as you find yourself again. And once you find yourself again, you will not give it up so easily the next time.
Maybe it is a situation. Once again, stop doing it. Maybe you don’t want to hang with the crew any more every Friday night because its hurting your budget. Maybe its your club or church, and your just not feeling it any more.
Yes, its a little tougher if it is a job you no longer enjoy, or perhaps, never enjoyed. Go get another job if you can. But, I live in the real world just like you, and you cannot always just quit your job as much as you might daydream about that. If you cannot leave, make peace with it, fix what you can at work, learn to let go of the rest of the crap, get your job done, and do stuff you love and care about when you are away from work.
Lastly, and you guys have read it here often, you can choose your attitude. You can choose to get all bottled up and discombobulated, or you can choose not to. You can say no, you can walk away to cool off, you can walk away for good. You can choose to be at peace within yourself no matter the chaos and storms which surround you in this moment.
Your peace, just like your joy, are your possessions. Use them!
[…] Choose your attitude… […]