A few years ago, I started writing and sharing some notes or letters on living life on purpose and learning ways to consistently make better choices in our lives. Some are written in answer to things that have come up while speaking with others. Some are things that have been rattling around in my own mind and heart for a long time and needed a soft place to land.
Sometimes it is very hard to speak with people face-to-face. We all struggle now and then with finding the right time, the right place, the right way to say things, and of course, what specific words we will use.
You, know, the things that we would say to each other, and sometimes to ourselves, if we could manage to be brutally honest, while still employing the utmost gentleness.
The goal is never to break another, but to help us all see the world more clearly.
“Notes to Dearheart” and “DearHeart Letters” take on some of those difficult conversations that we all including myself, need to have, need to say, need to hear, and need to be a part of.
You see, I write as much, and as often to myself, as I do to, and for, you. I write to the younger me, my children, my grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and to you. I learn just as much by pouring out, and into others.
“Dearheart” is composed of life lessons, hard-won wisdom, and questions. But, most importantly, they are designed for us to be in conversation, in dialog with each other. Not a monolog or lecture. I am learning too.
I want to hear from you. I want to hear that you agree, disagree, push back, or offer another way. Questions, answers, different perspectives, differences of opinion …
This is meant to be a give-and-take. Ask and tell.
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Some small confirmation that we do not stand alone in the world.
We stand in community.
Please come and join me on this journey of self-discovery.
Chat with you soon.
Martina McGowan, MD
PS- As you can see, we are evolving. While you are here, take a moment to sign up.