In our last post, we talked about how all the resources we need to reach our goals are already available to us. Today, we will discover that we do not need gigantic wins to reach our goals – small successes get us there as well. How easy it always is for us to criticize ourselves for a lack of major progress on our goals. We feel that if we are not making significant progress every single day, then we are at risk of becoming a failure. Maybe we have a list of goals that we want to achieve and that list haunts us. It can serve as a painful reminder of all that we have not achieved. So, every day we feel like we have failed. We are inundated with articles and nudges that conspire to make us feel like the truly productive people in the world succeed by making leaps and bounds of progress on a daily and consistent basis. Our limiting belief is that our lack of major progress on our goals means that we have failed. We often fall into a funk, continually criticizing and berating ourselves for not achieving more, and not achieving it faster. For not being more successful. This thinking can leave us feeling frustrated with ourselves and feel like throwing in the towel. Now let’s rethink and rewrite this limiting belief into a set of empowering beliefs. Limiting Belief: ● “Lack of major progress equates with failure.” More Empowering Beliefs: ● “Small progress is a win.” ● “Small successes add up to progress over time.” ● “I celebrate my victories no matter their size.” ● “Consistency is what matters!” We will pick up on this empowered thinking and ways to incorporate it into a healthier mindset next week. Chat soon.It is better to take many small steps in the right direction
than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.

[…] up from last week‘s post, progress is made by small consistent steps. It does not require a grand leap to move […]