Cutting away the deadwood, the unserviceable branches, the lovely, but deadly and dangerous weeds is grueling work. But it’s not the trees or plants that we are talking about, is it? It’s the people in our lives who seem to take so much more than they give. Or, those few that we are not even sure why we are still friends. Were we ever? Yes.
People float in and out of our lives. Some pass out of the light because of changes in their circumstances, sometimes the changes are in ours.
But, as we get wiser, whether it stems from age or experience, we become a little more selective about what we will allow. We learn that everyone we meet on life’s journey does not have our best interests at heart. We often learn this the hard way. And there are some who genuinely do care about and for us; treasure these. Some people are on a totally different page or agenda. Sometimes, we just drift apart through no one’s fault. Sometimes we lose interest in the activities and realize that this has been our only connection.
It is that annoying pull that we contend with for those situations and occasions that we still show up to, but we know it has become a habit or routine. We no longer feel invested in the people, places, or events. One, or all three.
We try to hide from the painful truth that we need to figure out how to deal with it all differently, or better, or not at all. Dare we choose to let them go? Yeah, that is a tough call and an even harder step to take.
Pruning is hard work.
It is hard interior work because it breaks our hearts. It is hard exterior work because it makes for uncomfortable conversations.
But, whether you choose to stay or to go, to keep doing what you’re doing, or to take a different path, Dearheart, choose to be honest with yourself. Things will never be absolutely perfect or easy, but stop telling yourself that something is what it is not.
If we cannot learn to trust ourselves, who can we trust?
Why is this important? Because we all need sunshine in our lives.
Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash